

This shouldn’t be a surprise, but I spend a lot of time looking at things. Growing up with gallerists for parents, there was never a shortage of things to look at, whether it was art, the characters it attracted, or the locales we visited to see it all.

As it so happens, looking proves to be a valuable skill in photography.

I enjoy the reward of patience and careful observation. I often carry enough gear to flatten a pack-mule, and hope I find something interesting while I’m out. I prefer film for its quality and inconvenience. I try to shake things up now and then. I live for the snack breaks.

Cameras are as valuable to me as objects as they are tools. My 4x5 is named Hara, after Sergeant Hara from Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence. He’s my main man. I often fix up broken cameras and lenses, and occasionally customize them.

Based in Chicago. BFA from SAIC, 2020.